No Longer ‘Traitors’ in a Country We Once Saved

How the National Lao-Hmong Memorial in Colorado Improves the Political Identity of the Lao-Hmongs in the United States


  • Charmaine Leong


Lao-Hmong, Memorials, Vietnam War


This paper analyzes the impact of the National Lao-Hmong Memorial in Colorado on the political identity of the Lao-Hmong community in the United States. The study highlights how the Memorial aims to correct historical inaccuracies, preserve the cultural heritage of the Lao-Hmong, and promote collaboration between the Lao-Hmong community and Americans. Through interviews and primary research, the paper explores the significance of grassroots heritage-building in challenging top-down narratives and advocating for political recognition and equality for the Lao-Hmong community. The Memorial is positioned as a catalyst for improving the Lao-Hmong's social and political standing in the U.S., emphasizing inclusivity, historical truth, and collaborative engagement.

