The Cycle of Wisdom



  • Katherine Sieker CU Boulder BFA Ceramics



My mother’s voice lives within me, just as her mother’s lives within her. The beautiful, sometimes cruel words linger all the same.

Just one of many feminine hardships.

The cycle of wisdom is infinite, I learned from them, as they learn from me. Eventually, understanding, forgiving, but not forgetting.

It is our choice to decide what to do with the burden and blessing of being different from our mothers.

These three elaborate, expressive pots along with the layered centerpiece, are hand built fully functional vessels. Teapots are a ritualistic object; they provide, they carry, they keep warm. I utilized this idea of giving and holding, to translate a tea set into a conversation between women. The pots are placed in a circle, representing grandmother, mother, and daughter, and the conversations, both beautiful and difficult, that they share and hold forever.

Coil-Built porcelain pots are decorated with beautiful high fire chun and crater glazes to emphasize both their beauty and their grotesque nature as well. The crater glaze appears almost as a lace, but it is far from delicate, while the chun runs and changes beautifully with the light and texture of the pots. Details of ruffle slabs of clay and pearls attached to the pots reflect both the feminine form as well as classic feminine items, just as the ones surrounding the place set.

Porcelain, glaze, glass, jewelry, womanly items

The Cycle of Wisdom




How to Cite

Sieker, K. (2024). The Cycle of Wisdom: 2023. University of Colorado Honors Journal, 8–9.


