Evolving and Elevating Advisor Ethos


  • Israel Salazar University of Colorado Boulder


According to Gordon (2019), our progress as a profession cannot move forward until we impress upon our administrators that “developmental advising—or advising itself—is at the heart of the institutional enterprise” ( p. 75). To evolve as a profession and elevate our ethos, we must transcend limiting views of who we are, why we are needed, and how it is that we are at the heart of the institutional enterprise. We can do this, I propose, by anchoring our professional identity in our roots as teachers and by working to conclusively demonstrate that our highest value is produced through our work as agents of human development.




How to Cite

Salazar, I. (2023). Evolving and Elevating Advisor Ethos. Palimpsest: Innovative Works, Transformative Experiences, and Evolving Practices in Student Success and Academic Advising, 1(1). Retrieved from https://journals.colorado.edu/index.php/palimpsest/article/view/2369